Win BIG!! Too Big to Rig!

Folks, never have we seen within our lifetime the kind of unlawful and scandalous attacks on everything that we hold dear in this great land.

We do not need to tell you that the American way of life is under continuous assault by the Left.

They claim to be the champions of democracy and liberty. But, we all know that nothing could be further from the truth.

In reality, they live, breathe, and demonstrate every day the very things that they decry. These would-be despots are bankrupting the finances, morals, and safety of this country and destroying the culture of liberty that is enshrined within the US Constitution.

The only thing that stands in the way of this treachery is your votes.

The situation has reached crisis level and the time for apathy is long past. If good Republicans and conservatives do not join together on Nov 5, the destruction of this great land shall continue unabated.

No one can do everything. But, everyone can do something.

It’s time to sign up, suit up, and show up on Nov 5. It’s time to knock on doors. It’s time to gather with your peers to organize and begin to act… now.
We simply must raise our collective voices in a resounding rebuke by voting in overwhelming numbers.
The only way that we rescue the citizenry from these barbarous attacks is to overwhelm the voting booths for the Republican ticket.

It’s not enough to vote and continue this neck and neck turnout race.

We must stand in a massive united front to win the day.

Bucks County now, officially, has more GOP voters than Democrat voters. The tide is turning. But, only if you and all conservative voters show up, in person or by mail, can we ensure that this soft tyranny will end. If we do not, the soft tyranny will harden.

As goes Bucks County, so goes the United States.

You can bury your head in the sand or you can…

Win BIG!! Too Big to Rig!

Love Lives Here in the USA

What Do We Believe?

We believe in, will demonstrate, and will teach intellectually honest and informed citizenship to our community. The foundations of our beliefs, actions, and teachings shall be based upon smaller and more effective government. The rule of law shall be followed as written until such a time as the laws are changed or removed. In that vein, we shall be an advocate for such change consistent with our principles. We support vigorous accountability of elected officials to the citizenry.

What Do We Do?

We are a social club working together and enjoying the fellowship of like-minded neighbors. We volunteer at the polls, knock on doors, educate our community, vet the candidates, support our endorsed candidates, serve our community through volunteerism and scholarships, and support the efforts of neighboring conservative Republican communities in Bucks and Montgomery counties
Love Lives Here In The USA In The USA
New Britain Chalfont Republican Club Logo

The Future Needs You

All politics is local and there is no greater influence than a united people influencing the future of their community. Without the influence and participation of you, the citizens, our nation will simply wither and succumb to the erosion of liberty.

  • Mobilize Conservative GOP Voters
  • Ensure Free And Fair Elections
  • Protect The Future For Families
  • Serve As Community Leaders