New Britain BOROUGH Civic Association Meeting
New Britain BOROUGH Civic Association Meeting
New Britain Borough Civic Association Meeting Burkart Hall
New Britain Borough Civic Association Meeting Burkart Hall
NEW BRITAIN BOROUGH 4TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW DATE & TIME: Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 (Rain Date 11/09) 10:00AM -- 3:00PM LOCATION: Lenape Valley Church - 321 West Butler Ave - New Britain, PA 18901 $15.00 Pre-Registration Fee -- $20.00 Day of Show MAKE CHECKS OUT TO: New Britain Borough (we do not accept any credit […]
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings. New Britain Township Board of Supervisors holds two monthly meetings, a Work Session and a Business Meeting, on the first and third Monday unless closed for a holiday. The Work Session […]
Meeting in person and zoom. Commissioner's Meeting Room 1st Floor Meeting Agendas posted prior to the meeting. Director's Reports on the previous month linked after the meeting they are discussed in and can be found on
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings. New Britain Township Board of Supervisors holds two monthly meetings, a Work Session and a Business Meeting, on the first and third Monday unless closed for a holiday. The Work Session […]
Meets as needed. Please see Borough Website Burkart Hall 56 Keeley Ave New Britain
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings. The Parks and Recreation Commission and Advisory Committee function in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors in determining the amounts and kinds of recreation most needed by the residents […]
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings. The Veterans Committee assists with fundraising for Veterans Park and helps plan events honoring New Britain Township residents who served or are serving in the United States Armed Forces. The committee […]
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings. The Zoning Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body with exclusive jurisdiction to hear and render decisions regarding Zoning challenges. Examples of matters heard by the Zoning Hearing Board include requests for […]
New Britain Borough Civic Association Meeting Burkart Hall
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings. The New Britain Township Planning Commission is an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors. Members review Subdivision and Land Development applications and plans and consider their impact on the Township […]
Meets ONLY AS NEEDED Burkart Hall 56 Keeley Ave New Britain Please refer to Borough website:
Meeting schedules can change. Please visit the web site to verify the latest schedule and to read agenda, minutes, and to see meeting recordings.