Register to VOTE in Pennsylvania

Deadline Alert: 10/21/2024 is the last day to register before the 11/05/2024 election.

Confirm PA Voter Registration Status Here

Early Voting and Vote by Mail in Pennsylvania

Request a Pennsylvania Mail-in or Absentee Ballot


Submit your completed Ballot in Person (can request ballot and submit same day) by 10/29/2024
at the Bucks County election office (old courthouse 55 E. Court St Doylestown Pa)

Call (215) 348-6154 to Confirm Ballots are ready for casting.

Become a Pennsylvania Poll Worker

Learn about our elections, help facilitate democracy, get paid to train and work the polls.

Participate with your young adult (age requirement 17).

Find more information here:

Become a Local Poll Worker

If you would prefer to work the polls locally, please contact us and we will
put you in touch with your local Judge of Elections and/or the Bucks County Board of Elections.

Door Knocking

Meet your neighbors!

Send a note to learn about volunteer opportunities to or call us at 267-209-0846

Get Involved In Shaping The Bucks County GOP

Learn about becoming a Committee Man or Committee Woman in BUCKS COUNTY


**need link for open positions 

Run for Political Office in Bucks County

What Does a Committee Person Do?

Bucks County GOP Committee Person Job Description

A committee person is his or her political party’s representative in each voting precinct. Committee people serve as a point of contact between the voters in the precinct and their political party.  As an elected position, to be a Committee Person you gather signatures on a petition to get on the ballot during the Primary Election of a year when the Governor is up for election. If there is an opening for Committee Person in between those elections, the Chair of the party can appoint to fill the vacancy.Committee people roles include some core responsibilities to help “get out the vote” and work outside the polls on Election Day.

But you can make the job as big or as small as you want.

Some committee people just choose to work on Election Day. But most committee people are in touch with their party and their neighbors all year long. You need only have the time and interest to build relationships with their neighbors and keep up with Committee meetings and tasks to make this job meaningful and rewarding.


Year-round responsibilities could include:

  • Assisting with voter registration drives in your neighborhood.
  • Circulating nomination petitions for your party’s candidates.
  • Giving voters information about an upcoming election so they know where to vote and who is on the ballot.
  • Distributing absentee and mail-in ballot applications before an election.
  • Getting out the vote. By using lists of registered voters in your division, you can help make sure that as many people as possible come out to vote.

On Election Day

  • Handing out campaign literature at your polling place.
  • Arranging rides to the polls for voters who are unable to walk or drive themselves.
  • Reporting improper behavior or point out weaknesses in the security of the election process to the appropriate authorities.
Attend an open Republican meeting. Text us for info at 267-209-0846.